(This was originally shared on LinkedIn)
Want to make every event you create irresistible?
Change your focus…
At first I was misguided in thinking, “I’m a party DJ.”
I felt I needed to do something bigger and better each time to keep people’s attention.
Now, I know what I’m selling. It’s not a party, it’s a wellness experience hiding in a party wrapper.
You see a few minutes of fun music & engagement.
I see replacing stress, trauma, depression and loneliness with joy for 5 minutes or an hour.
For events they cant resist…
Build around something people can’t get enough of if they tried.
Medicate their nagging frustrations.
They’ll always want more.
It doesn’t have to be the reason for your event.
But, positively impacting lives should be the foundation of your event.
Want a 10min DJ Graffiti music therapy mix every Monday?
Click the link in my bio to join the Weekly Uplift for free.
Do it now!
#djgraffiti #eventprofs #corporateevents